Disproportionality Time Trend for a Drug-Event Combination
This function calculates the disproportionality time trend for a given drug-event combination.
Check disproportionality_analysis()
for more options to address biases.
Its results can be visualized using plot_disproportionality_trend()
temp_drug = Drug,
temp_reac = Reac,
temp_demo = Demo,
temp_demo_supp = Demo_supp[, .(primaryid, quarter)],
meddra_level = "pt",
drug_level = "substance",
restriction = "none",
time_granularity = "year",
cumulative = TRUE
- drug_selected
Drug selected
- reac_selected
Event selected
- temp_drug
Drug dataset. Can be set to sample_Drug for testing
- temp_reac
Reac dataset. Can be set to sample_Reac for testing
- temp_demo
Demo dataset. Defaults to Demo. Can be se to sample_Demo for testing
- temp_demo_supp
Data frame containing supplementary demographic data, and in particular the quarter. Defaults to
Demo_supp\[, .(primaryid, quarter)\]
.- meddra_level
The desired MedDRA level for analysis (default is "pt").
- drug_level
The desired drug level for analysis (default is "substance"). If set to "custom" allows a list of lists for reac_selected (collapsing multiple terms).
- restriction
Primary IDs to consider for analysis (default is "none", which includes the entire population). If set to Demo[!RB_duplicates_only_susp]$primaryid, for example, allows to exclude duplicates according to one of the deduplication algorithms.
- time_granularity
Character string specifying the time granularity. Options are "year", "quarter", or "month". Defaults to "year".
- cumulative
Logical indicating whether to calculate cumulative values. Defaults to
A data frame containing the disproportionality results over time, including:
- period
Time period. Deafult is 'year'. Other values are 'quarter' and 'month'. When using 'quarter' Demo_supp is required
Total number of reports
- D_E
Number of reports with both drug and event
- D_nE
Number of reports with the drug but not the event
- D
Total number of reports with the drug
- nD_E
Number of reports with the event but not the drug
- E
Total number of reports with the event
- nD_nE
Number of reports with neither the drug nor the event
- ROR_median
Reporting odds ratio (ROR) median
- ROR_lower
ROR lower bound (2.5%)
- ROR_upper
ROR upper bound (97.5%)
- p_value_fisher
Fisher's exact test p-value
- Bonferroni
Bonferroni-corrected p-value
- IC_median
Information component (IC) median
- IC_lower
IC lower bound
- IC_upper
IC upper bound
- label_ROR
Formatted ROR label
- label_IC
Formatted IC label
The function processes the provided data to calculate the reporting odds ratio (ROR) and the information component (IC) for the specified drug-event combination over time.
See also
Other disproportionality functions: