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This function generates descriptive statistics for a sample of data, including cases and non-cases, and saves the results to an Excel file.


  RG = NULL,
  drug = NULL,
  save_in_excel = TRUE,
  file_name = "Descriptives.xlsx",
  vars = c("sex", "Submission", "Reporter", "age_range", "Outcome", "country",
    "continent", "age_in_years", "wt_in_kgs", "Reactions", "Indications", "Substances",
    "year", "role_cod", "time_to_onset"),
  list_pids = list(),
  method = "independence_test",
  temp_demo = Demo,
  temp_drug = Drug,
  temp_reac = Reac,
  temp_indi = Indi,
  temp_outc = Outc,
  temp_ther = Ther



A vector of primary IDs for cases.


A vector of primary IDs: reference group. Default is NULL.


A vector of drug names. Default is NULL.


Whether to save the outcome in an excel. Defaults to TRUE


The name of the Excel file to save the results. Default is "Descriptives.xlsx". It only works if save_in_excel is TRUE.


A character vector of variable names to include in the analysis.


A list of vectors with primary IDs for custom groups whose distribution should be described. Default is an empty list.


The method for Chi-square test analysis, either "independence_test" or "goodness_of_fit". Default is "independence_test". It applies only for comparisons between cases and non-cases.


Demo dataset. Defaults to Demo. Can be se to sample_Demo for testing


Drug dataset. Can be set to sample_Drug for testing


Reac dataset. Can be set to sample_Reac for testing


Indi dataset. Can be set to sample_Indi for testing


Outc dataset. Can be set to sample_Outc for testing


Ther dataset. Can be set to sample_Ther for testing


The function generates descriptive statistics as a gt_table and potentially saves them to an Excel file.


pids_cases <- unique(sample_Demo[sex == "M"]$primaryid)
RG <- unique(sample_Demo[sex == "M"]$primaryid)

# Generate descriptive statistics for cases
  pids_cases = pids_cases, save_in_excel = FALSE,
  temp_demo = sample_Demo, temp_drug = sample_Drug,
  temp_reac = sample_Reac, temp_indi = sample_Indi,
  temp_outc = sample_Outc, temp_ther = sample_Ther
#> Warning: Variables role_cod and time_to_onset not considered. If you want to include them please provide the drug investigated
#> # A tibble: 113 × 3
#>    `**Characteristic**`    N_cases `%_cases`
#>    <chr>                   <chr>   <chr>    
#>  1 N                       355     ""       
#>  2 sex                     NA       NA      
#>  3 Male                    355     "100.00" 
#>  4 Submission              NA       NA      
#>  5 Direct                  24      "6.76"   
#>  6 Expedited               181     "50.99"  
#>  7 Periodic                150     "42.25"  
#>  8 Reporter                NA       NA      
#>  9 Consumer                163     "48.37"  
#> 10 Healthcare practitioner 20      "5.93"   
#> # ℹ 103 more rows

# Generate descriptive statistics for cases and non-cases
  pids_cases = pids_cases, RG = RG, save_in_excel = FALSE,
  temp_demo = sample_Demo, temp_drug = sample_Drug,
  temp_reac = sample_Reac, temp_indi = sample_Indi,
  temp_outc = sample_Outc, temp_ther = sample_Ther
#> Warning: Variables role_cod and time_to_onset not considered. If you want to include them please provide the drug investigated
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: number of columns of result, 6, is not a multiple of vector length 7 of arg 1
#> # A tibble: 113 × 6
#>    `**Characteristic**`  N_cases `%_cases` N_controls `%_controls` `**q-value**`
#>    <chr>                 <chr>   <chr>     <chr>      <chr>        <chr>        
#>  1 N                     355     ""        NA         ""           ""           
#>  2 __sex__               NA       NA       NA         NA           NA           
#>  3 Male                  355     "100.00"  NA         NA           NA           
#>  4 __Submission__        NA       NA       NA         NA           NA           
#>  5 Direct                24      "6.76"    NA         NA           NA           
#>  6 Expedited             181     "50.99"   NA         NA           NA           
#>  7 Periodic              150     "42.25"   NA         NA           NA           
#>  8 __Reporter__          NA       NA       NA         NA           NA           
#>  9 Consumer              163     "48.37"   NA         NA           NA           
#> 10 Healthcare practitio… 20      "5.93"    NA         NA           NA           
#> # ℹ 103 more rows